If Treated for an Bacterial Sti Can You Get It Again
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What is chlamydia?
Chlamydia is a mutual sexually transmitted disease. Information technology is acquired past bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. Information technology can infect both men and women. Women can get chlamydia in the cervix, rectum, or throat. Men can get chlamydia in the urethra (inside the penis), rectum, or throat.
How practise you get chlamydia?
You can get chlamydia during oral, vaginal, or anal sexual practice with someone who has the infection. A woman can also laissez passer chlamydia to her baby during childbirth.
If you've had chlamydia and were treated in the by, you lot tin can get re-infected if you take unprotected sex with someone who has information technology.
Who is at adventure of getting chlamydia?
Chlamydia is more common in immature people, specially immature women. Yous are more likely to become it if you don't consistently utilize a condom, or if you have multiple partners.
What are the symptoms of chlamydia?
Chlamydia doesn't normally cause whatsoever symptoms. Then you may not realize that you have it. People with chlamydia who have no symptoms tin can still pass the illness to others. If y'all practice take symptoms, they may not appear until several weeks after you have sex with an infected partner.
Symptoms in women include:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge, which may have a potent smell
- A called-for sensation when urinating
- Hurting during intercourse
If the infection spreads, you might get lower abdominal pain, pain during sex, nausea, or fever.
Symptoms in men include:
- Belch from your penis
- A burning awareness when urinating
- Burning or itching around the opening of your penis
- Pain and swelling in one or both testicles (although this is less common)
If the chlamydia infects the rectum (in men or women), information technology tin can cause rectal pain, discharge, and/or bleeding.
How is chlamydia diagnosed?
There are lab tests to diagnose chlamydia. Your health care provider may ask y'all to provide a urine sample. For women, providers sometimes use (or ask you to use) a cotton swab to get a sample from your vagina to examination for chlamydia.
Who should be tested for chlamydia?
You should go to your health provider for a test if y'all take symptoms of chlamydia, or if y'all take a partner who has a sexually transmitted disease. Meaning women should get a test when they go to their offset prenatal visit.
People at higher risk should get checked for chlamydia every year:
- Sexually active women 25 and younger
- Older women who have new or multiple sex partners, or a sex partner who has a sexually transmitted disease
- Men who accept sex with men (MSM)
What other problems can chlamydia cause?
In women, an untreated infection can spread to your uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can crusade permanent damage to your reproductive system. This can lead to long-term pelvic pain, infertility, and ectopic pregnancy. Women who have had chlamydia infections more than than one time are at higher take chances of serious reproductive health complications.
Men often don't have health problems from chlamydia. Sometimes information technology can infect the epididymis (the tube that carries sperm). This can cause hurting, fever, and, rarely, infertility.
Both men and women tin can develop reactive arthritis because of a chlamydia infection. Reactive arthritis is a blazon of arthritis that happens as a "reaction" to an infection in the body.
Babies built-in to infected mothers tin get eye infections and pneumonia from chlamydia. It may besides make information technology more likely for your baby to exist born too early.
Untreated chlamydia may as well increment your chances of getting or giving HIV/AIDS.
What are the treatments for chlamydia?
Antibiotics will cure the infection. You may get a 1-time dose of the antibiotics, or you may need to accept medicine every mean solar day for 7 days. Antibiotics cannot repair whatever permanent damage that the disease has caused.
To prevent spreading the disease to your partner, you lot should not accept sex until the infection has cleared upwardly. If y'all got a one-time dose of antibiotics, you should look 7 days after taking the medicine to have sexual practice again. If you lot have to take medicine every 24-hour interval for 7 days, y'all should not have sex once more until you lot take finished taking all of the doses of your medicine.
Information technology is common to get a echo infection, so you should get tested over again about three months later treatment.
Tin can chlamydia exist prevented?
The only certain way to foreclose chlamydia is to non have vaginal, anal, or oral sexual activity.
Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, simply does non eliminate, the adventure of catching or spreading chlamydia. If your or your partner is allergic to latex, you can use polyurethane condoms.
Centers for Illness Command and Prevention
- Chlamydia Test
(National Library of Medicine) Too in Spanish
- Epididymitis (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Castilian
- Chlamydia (VisualDX)
- Chlamydia (Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women'southward Health) Besides in Spanish
- Chlamydia (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Castilian
- Chlamydia - CDC Fact Sheet (Centers for Disease Command and Prevention) - PDF
- Chlamydia infections in women (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
- Chlamydial infections - male (Medical Encyclopedia) Besides in Spanish
- Rubber Fact Sheet in Brief (Centers for Disease Command and Prevention) - PDF Also in Spanish
- Endocervical gram stain (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Castilian
- Lymphogranuloma venereum (Medical Encyclopedia) As well in Castilian
- Urethral discharge civilisation (Medical Encyclopedia) Besides in Spanish
Source: https://medlineplus.gov/chlamydiainfections.html
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